Friday, January 05, 2007

Ergh. Next time I wont 2nd guess


Woke at 3am coughing fit to bust. Lovely. Spent some time chatting (thank GOODNESS for the internet!) then Beth decides that 4.30am is a good time to be awake for the day. I was watching TV by 5.30am still coughing.

Dropped some clothes off at the hospital for SCBU.... Not wanting to need preemie clothes again LOL and they're always desperate. Then walked to the drs surgery.

By the time 9.30am and I'd drugged myself up came, I was fine again. No coughing, wheezeing, breathlessness. I asked if Janet had any appts. for today, but she was fully booked and the waiting time for the dr was about an hour- with 2 kids in tow? I have an appt. tuesday. Im feeling fine, let someone who *needs* it have the space.

SO, 2.30pm gets here..... yeah same ol' same ol' once again I'm tight, sob & coughing my guts up.
The kids have doen everything possible to annoy me it feels like, andi'm ready for a good cry.

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